
Healthy Diets for People Recovering from Personal Injury

    Healthy Diets for People Recovering from Personal Injury

    Recovering from personal injury can be an arduous and grueling process. Any broken bones, torn or pulled ligaments, or ripped or strained muscles anywhere on the body take time, patience and proper splinting to heal properly. From a physical standpoint, the healing process should not be rushed, since it can create more problems and potentially make your injuries worse, however, by avoiding stress and eating a healthy diet, you should be able to bounce back more quickly.

    A healthy diet is a great way to, pardon the New Age-y sentiment, heal from within. By eating foods that have anti-inflammatory and healing properties, you will find your pain level decreasing and some injuries, especially those like pulled or strained muscles and ligaments, healing more quickly than normal. It is not difficult to follow a healthy diet, as long as you are able to avoid very processed foods like store-bought snacks, sugary sodas and anything with high fructose corn syrup. Sticking with minimally-processed foods and those bought “whole” at the grocery store (like fruits and vegetables) are only the first step. The next involves filling out the rest of your diet.

    Pack some Proteins

    Lean proteins like chicken and fish, as well as turkey and pork roast (not bacon or ham) should be chosen over red meats. Sure, steak, hamburgers and rump roasts all taste well, but they are not as good for you as the low fat meats are. When preparing these low fat meats, always choose to bake or barbecue them, rather than fry them. A well seasoned bone in chicken breast that is baked will taste just as good as one that is fried. However, the baked version is much healthier, especially once the skin is removed.

    Load on Carbohydrates

    You will also need to eat carbohydrates, as they give you energy and will help you throughout the healing process, however, do not eat too many of them. Stick with healthy carbohydrates, like those found in beans, oatmeal and whole grains, and avoid the ones found in processed snack cakes, soda, and white bread. These refined carbohydrates are not good for you – or anyone really – and will hinder your recovery, rather than help it along.

    Start the healing process

    There are a number of foods that will help you heal more quickly, simply due to the fact that they contain Omega-3 acids, flavanoids and anti-inflammatory properties. The list includes fruits: apples, papaya and pineapple, vegetables: broccoli, seasonings: olive oil, garlic and curry, lean meats: salmon and grass-fed beef (if you absolutely must have red meat) and almonds. Some “good” fats are also known to help you recover from personal injury. The list of healthy fats starts with avocados, and sesame seeds, and ends with fatty fish like the previously mentioned salmon, along with sardines, mackerel and herring. Flaxseeds and nuts also contain fats that are good for you.

    Healthy Snacking

    For snacks, and to fill out each meal, turn to high fiber treats like fruits and vegetables. You should also include whole grain breads and cereals that do not have a lot of added sugar in your diet. These, along with other calorie-dense foods will make you feel fuller for a longer period of time, preventing you from reaching for bad-for-you snacks between meals and before bed. Potatoes, smoothies made from fruits and heavy cream, and the ever-popular cottage cheese on top of peeled and chopped fresh fruit will all do the job nicely.

    By following a diet full of lean proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, good carbohydrates and healthy fats, you will recover from your personal injuries faster than if you eat bad foods like processed junk snacks and sugar-filled candies.

    This article was completed by Terry Wood, a health expert with the health insurance quotes site, US Insurance Net.

    Angela Nieves
    Hi, I'm Angela Nieves and I'm a writer, blogger, and social media enthusiast! I've been following and working with bloggers, small businesses, and entrepreneurs since 2004.

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