Health & Fitness

How Crowdfunding Can Help Young Athletes in India

    Crowdfunding Can Help Young Athletes

    Sports as a viable career choice have never really taken off in India. Several families in India almost always encourage their children into mainstream careers such as medical practitioners, lawyers, and engineers. Only in the last decade or so have students started to break free from the popular notion that mainstream careers are the only stable careers.

    That said, we still have a long way to bring about a greater change in narrow mindsets that favor some career paths over others, giving their children no choice but to comply with their wishes. For those interested in exploring sports as a career option, valuable insights, information, and top picks can be found at

    People have the belief that choosing certain alternative careers as a way of earning a living is too uncertain and unreliable. Take for instance sports. Even in movies and TV, you see so many films made on athletes whose families have always been against the protagonist playing a sport for a living. It is also believed that a sportsman’s career starts to take a hit after the age of 40. For that reason, many youngsters in India opt to make sports only a hobby, and settle for more conventional career choices.

    However, that isn’t the only predicament faced by aspiring athletes today – the larger problem is that of funding. It is not unknown that government funding for sports in India, has always been a matter of concern. Many athletes who come from low or middle income backgrounds simply cannot afford the resources to take the sport forward – as a result, many forgo their dreams, and settle for careers that don’t inspire them.

    We at Impact Guru, wish to bring about a change in this problem of funding by encouraging a crowdfunding India, and thereby helping aspiring athletes fund their athletic careers. So here we’ve listed a few great causes that athletes can raise money for, by adopting donation based online fundraising, and facilitating their careers through a crowdfunding India.

    1. Get training from the best sports institutes and coaches that may help an athlete compete internationally.
    2. Fund nutritional requirements that may help aspiring athletes improve their performance each day.
    3. Appeal for funds to purchase sporting equipment, aid, and kits for respective sports.
    4. Raise money to register for competitions and even fund their travels that are necessary to compete internationally.

    By encouraging a crowdfunding India to fundraise for sports endeavours, athletes will be able to afford all the resources and expenditure involved. If you too, have a dream to be an athlete, and that dream can be taken forward with a little financial assistance, start a social crowdfunding campaign with Impact Guru today.

    Angela Nieves
    Hi, I'm Angela Nieves and I'm a writer, blogger, and social media enthusiast! I've been following and working with bloggers, small businesses, and entrepreneurs since 2004.

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